Titanic Tales: Unveiling Business Lessons from a Cinematic Classic

Titanic Tales: Unveiling Business Lessons from a Cinematic Classic

 The iconic love story of Jack and Rose from the movie "Titanic" is not just a tale of romance and tragedy, but also a rich source of business lessons. While the movie's setting and plot may seem far removed from the world of corporate ventures, there are several valuable takeaways that entrepreneurs and business leaders can glean from the characters' actions and the unfolding events.

1. Embrace Your Strengths and Passions:

Just as Jack's artistic talent and adventurous spirit captivated Rose, entrepreneurs should identify and leverage their unique strengths and passions to fuel their endeavors. Passion drives determination, and strong skills provide the necessary tools to navigate the business landscape.

2. Take Calculated Risks and Act with Conviction:

Rose's willingness to leave her privileged life behind and pursue her love for Jack highlights the importance of taking calculated risks and acting with conviction in business. While caution is essential, entrepreneurs must also be willing to step outside their comfort zones and pursue their dreams with unwavering belief.

3. Understand Customer Psychology and Adapt to Different Environments:

Jack's ability to connect with Rose and adapt to the social circles of both the upper and lower classes demonstrates the importance of understanding customer psychology and adapting to different environments. Entrepreneurs need to be able to relate to their target audience, navigate diverse business settings, and adjust their strategies accordingly.

4. Maintain Open Communication and Transparency:

The lack of communication and transparency from the White Star Line in the aftermath of the Titanic disaster serves as a stark reminder of the importance of open communication and transparency in business. Entrepreneurs should prioritize clear and honest communication with stakeholders to ensure trust, loyalty, and effective problem-solving.

5. Prioritize Risk Management and Crisis Preparedness:

The failure to adequately assess and mitigate risks led to the Titanic's demise, emphasizing the importance of risk management and crisis preparedness in business. Entrepreneurs must identify potential risks, develop contingency plans, and train their teams to handle unexpected situations effectively.

6. Value Compassion and Empathy in Leadership:

Jack's compassionate and empathetic nature inspired Rose and those around him. Compassionate leadership fosters positive work environments, promotes teamwork, and strengthens customer relationships. Entrepreneurs should cultivate empathy and strive to understand the perspectives of their employees, partners, and customers.

7. Learn from Mistakes and Adapt to Change:

The Titanic disaster serves as a poignant reminder of the need to learn from mistakes and adapt to change. Entrepreneurs should continuously evaluate their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and embrace innovation to stay ahead in a dynamic business world.

8. Believe in Yourself and Your Vision:

Jack's unwavering belief in himself and his love for Rose sustained him amidst challenges and adversity. Entrepreneurs need to possess a similar level of self-belief and unwavering commitment to their vision to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

9. Collaboration and Teamwork Bring Strength:

The combined efforts of Jack and Rose to survive the sinking Titanic highlight the power of collaboration and teamwork. Entrepreneurs should recognize the value of teamwork and foster a collaborative environment that encourages knowledge sharing, mutual support, and collective problem-solving.

10. Embrace a Growth Mindset and Continuously Learn:

Jack's willingness to learn from his experiences and expand his horizons reflects the importance of a growth mindset in business. Entrepreneurs should embrace lifelong learning, seek new knowledge, and continuously adapt to the evolving demands of the market.

By drawing inspiration from the characters and events of "Titanic," entrepreneurs can gain valuable insights into leadership, risk management, communication, customer understanding, and adaptability – all essential elements for navigating the complexities of the business world and achieving lasting success.



By - Razib Ahmed sir and Partho Pratim Mazumder 

This post is about  Some wrong assumptions about e-Commerce 

One: Business requires huge capital. e-Commerce is no exception. Where do I get so much money?

Ans :

a. It is true that business requires huge capital but there are people who are doing business with small amount. Malik Khalek, owner of the famous Keya Cosmetics started his business by selling chicken. Mr. Azad, owner of Azad products started his business by selling cards and magazines on footpath. You do not need capital, you need courage and self-confidence.

b. Anyone can be an e-Commerce entrepreneur. If you decide that you are going to sell to sell cakes from home by through facebook , OLX, Ekhnoi.com, bikroy.com, you can do it with small amount. Three thousand taka will be enough.

c. Suppose you are selling a software products through email marketing. The company would give you a commission 10000 taka for each sales. You sell only two products in. How much money you invested ? Your monthly Internet bill and phone; that is all.

Two : e-Commerce requires computer, IT knowledge, website. I have no idea about these things. I didn’t even study in Computer Science. How can I become an e-Commerce entrepreneur?

Answer :

a. Every Business has small and large players. A goldsmith is doing business from his small shop near your house is a businessman and Apon Jewellers is also selling gold. All businesses has small and big entities.

b. Many people are selling thousand products every day through Facebook, Bikroy.com, Akhoni.com. Are all of them IT experts? You do not need to be an IT expert to run e-Commerce business. Facebook will suffice.

c. If you are planning to have your own e-Commerce site then you can also have it. There are many companies that provide service to e-Commerce sites. Many of the successful first generation e-Commerce entrepreneurs are not Computer science majors. All successful businessmen are not BBA or accounting students. Business is all about your idea, determination and diligence.

Three: All the content are in English- online, email, Internet English is everywhere. I am weak in English. How am I going to run my e-Commerce site?


a. If an uneducated person from Bangladesh can go abroad and can successfully handle English speaking customers then why can’t you?

b. A three-year old child has word stock up to 1500-2000. With these word he/she can express thoughts and ideas. On the contrary, an educated man in Bangladesh has more than 5000 word stocks . So, why are you afraid?

c. If your customer is a Bangladeshi or Bangla speaker then why you are so worried about English language?

d. You use 30-90 words to operate you cell phone. For smartphone this reaches to 250-300. You do not know the meaning of all these words. Yet, you can operate your phone when you understand the function. In case of operating online shop, aside from the name of your products, around 75-125 word will appear in front you frequently. So there is no need to be worried.

e. People learn language through using. You will know your words upon using them.

Four: You have to do so many things in a short time. So much hassle!!!! Buying goods, expenses, storing, showroom decoration, advertisement, attracting customers and the list goes on. After all these, there is the fear of incurring losses. This is nothing but headache?


a. Show me a line of work that is hassle-free. Today you ate rice in your lunch. How many items did you eat with the rice? The items were brought from different shops in different times and then they were cooked. The whole process is repeated daily. We only see the end result that is the food. We do not know how much labor goes behind preparing those foods.

b. It is possible to do business with less hassle. You do not need to buy and stock goods and sell them to customers. Why not do that?

c. Yet, I would suggest you take the rough road.

d. Loss is a part of business. Visualize your losses in advance and try to find out the reason behind those losses. If you incur loss then take necessary steps to cover them. If you can take the right decision in every step then you would become one of those lucky persons on earth who became successful in their first business ventures. Consider the losses as your learning curve. Be careful not to invest too much when you are uncertain about the outcome. There are many people who established their businesses by incurring losses in the beginning. This is a part of business.

Five : Starting a business from the ground is an uphill battle. You need to have trade license, TIN, VAT, trademark, company registration, office space rent, hiring employees etc. After all these you need money for your business.

Ans: You can do all the above-mentioned things to start your business or you do not do anything and simply start your business. The street-side chotpoti seller runs his business and earns money. Why can’t you run your business from home?

Six: I do not understand how can one do business online from the comfort of his house?


It is possible and again impossible at the same time. Take the house where you are currently living. The owner who built that house did not do it from the comfort of his home. He hired a property developer. Around 150 business- people were involved in the entire process- bricks, sand, cement, so on.

You can hire a third party who will do all the heavy lifting of your business such as packaging, delivery, marketing etc. You can also involve more than one person or businesses to do those jobs. Remember, you can do business from your home but you can not learn it from your house.

Yet, I am suggesting you to start your business from home. However, do not get comfortable. Visit all the places even for once and then take your decision. Solve the problems yourself. This will be more fruitful.

This article is translated from Bangla by Jahangir Alam Shovon from this article  Some wrong assumptions about E-Commerce


Romeo Juliet by Shakespeare Analysis in Business Context

 Analyzing Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" in a business context can provide insights into various aspects of organizational dynamics, leadership, decision-making, and teamwork. While the play is primarily a work of literature, its themes and characters offer valuable lessons for the business world:

1. **Conflict Resolution**:

   The feud between the Montagues and Capulets is a central element in the play. It demonstrates the destructive consequences of long-standing conflicts and the importance of resolving disputes. In a business context, it underscores the significance of conflict resolution and the role of leaders in mediating disputes to foster a more productive and harmonious work environment.

2. **Leadership and Decision-Making**:

   The actions of key characters like Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence, and Tybalt demonstrate the impact of leadership and decision-making. Business leaders can learn from the consequences of impulsive decisions and the importance of well-thought-out strategies.

3. **Family Dynamics and Organizational Culture**:

   The influence of family on the young lovers' lives reflects the impact of organizational culture and familial relationships in the workplace. It highlights how family expectations and corporate culture can affect individual choices and professional behavior.

4. **Risk Management**:

   Romeo and Juliet's secret marriage and the risky plan to fake Juliet's death both involve substantial risk. In a business context, this can serve as a reminder of the importance of risk management, careful planning, and the need to anticipate and mitigate potential pitfalls in strategic initiatives.

5. **Communication and Miscommunication**:

   Much of the tragedy in the play results from miscommunication and misunderstandings. In business, effective communication is essential for preventing misunderstandings, resolving conflicts, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

6. **Love and Passion in the Workplace**:

   The passionate and impulsive love between Romeo and Juliet can be compared to emotional relationships within the workplace. While professional decorum is expected, it's essential for leaders to understand and manage the emotions of their team members, as well as to consider the impact of personal relationships on productivity and decision-making.

7. **Innovation and Adaptation**:

   The play's characters often adapt to changing circumstances and take risks to achieve their goals. In the business world, adaptability, innovation, and the willingness to take calculated risks can lead to success.

8. **Strategic Alliances and Mergers**:

   The secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet could be likened to strategic alliances or mergers in business. Just as the union of two organizations can bring about change, growth, and challenges, the union of the two young lovers' families results in dramatic consequences.

9. **Legacy and Reputation**:

   The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet reminds business leaders of the lasting impact of their actions on an organization's reputation and legacy. Thoughtless or hasty decisions can tarnish a company's image and have long-term consequences.

In summary, "Romeo and Juliet" offers valuable lessons for businesses regarding conflict resolution, leadership, communication, risk management, and the impact of culture and family dynamics on organizational behavior. The play's timeless themes can be applied to various aspects of the corporate world to enhance leadership and decision-making.

What I Leant Business Ethics from English Literature

 I have been fortunate to learn the art of writing from the knowledgeable Razib Ahmed. He possesses a wealth of expertise in the field of Ecommerce, and what sets his teaching apart is his ability to draw lessons from various facets of life. For instance, he imparts valuable business insights using poetry and literature. Take, for example, the lessons I derived from Shakespeare's "Macbeth." One crucial takeaway is that while we may have ambitious goals, we must not resort to unethical or irregular actions to achieve them. In a sense, when Lady Macbeth stabs Duncan, it reminds me to always exercise caution. Just as in the story, we should be wary of betrayals and not trust individuals who might deceive us, as they could potentially harm our business or undermine our leadership.

Additionally, the narrative of Banquo in "Macbeth" teaches us not to tolerate dishonesty. Dealing with cheaters can jeopardize our standing or even dethrone our leadership. When faced with danger or when our family and daily needs are at stake, it's essential to safeguard them. We must also pay attention to seemingly insignificant details that could pose a threat to our business. Creating a healthy and supportive environment for our partners and employees is paramount, as an unhealthy atmosphere can divert us from the right path.

Furthermore, we must always plan for succession by identifying individuals who can steer the ship and become the next leaders in our business. Proper training is crucial for their development. Without this foresight, a company may not have a sustainable future.

From Samuel Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," I've gleaned the importance of crafting compelling narratives that inspire people to perform acts of kindness and contribute to the well-being of society. The curse that befalls the crew after the Albatross is killed serves as a reminder that we should carefully consider our actions and avoid making rash decisions that could jeopardize our business. Learning from our mistakes leads to peace of mind and drives dedicated efforts toward success. Teamwork is a powerful tool for achieving our goals, but we must not give up on each other mid-way.

Finally, from Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," I've learned that effective leadership requires negotiation skills to resolve conflicts. A failure to address disputes can lead to long-term feuds and disrupt ongoing processes. Adaptability is key in business, and we should constantly innovate to stay competitive in the market. Leaders should prioritize their team members' expectations and maintain strong emotional relationships within the team.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Razib Ahmed for his noble and effective teaching style, delivered online from Digital Skills for Bangladesh. I am immensely grateful to have him as a mentor, and I look forward to continuing my journey of learning and skill development under his guidance. Bless me on this path.

আমার বিজনেস পরিকল্পনা

 আমার মাথায় দারুন বিজনেস আইডিয়া আসছে,  ভাবছি, অনলাইনে মুরগি বেচব । মুরগির রান, চিকেন নাগেট, রোস্ট বিক্রি করবো। তারপর, ফেরি করে টেকনাফ টু তেতুলিয়া এই চিকেন অর্ডার পৌঁছে দেব। এক দিন না এক সপ্তাহ লাগুক, এক মাস লাগুক , পৌঁছে দিবো । মুরগির মধ্যে অতদিনে বাসিলাস ব্যাকটেরিয়া জন্মাবে। তারপর, যারা খাবে তারা পেট ব্যথায় অসুস্থ হবে। অনলাইনে আমারে নিয়ে মানুষ গালি দিবে। তারপর পুলিশ এসে আমাকে গ্রেপ্তার করে জেলে ঢুকিয়ে দিবে। এর ফাঁকে অনলাইন মিডিয়া গুরুত্ব সহকারে আমার খবর প্রচার করবে, অনেক স্পন্সর পাবে। ডাক্তার , হাসপাতাল  কড়ি কড়ি টাকা পাবে। নতুন করে মাংস যাতে না পচে তা নিয়ে গবেষনা শুরু হবে। কোর্টে নতুন নতুন আইন পাস হবে। গরীব থেকে বড়লোক সবাই আমাকে নিয়ে চর্চা করবে। তারপর, পাঁচ বছর পর যখন জিডিপি গ্রোথ হবে তখন আমাকে অর্থনৈতিক বিজ্ঞান ক্যাটাগরিতে নোবেল পুরষ্কারে মনোনীত করবে। কিন্তু আমাকে পুরুস্কার দিবে না। কারণ, আমার কোন টাকা পয়সা রোজগার করি নাই। আমি তখনও জেলে।

Ancient mariner by Samuel Coleridge - analysis in business context

 - Ancient mariner by Samuel Coleridge -  analysis in business context

"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner," written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, is a narrative poem first published in 1798. It is a supernatural and allegorical tale about a mariner who shares his harrowing experiences at sea. While the poem may not have direct business implications, its themes, characters, and narrative elements can be metaphorically applied to certain aspects of the business world. Here are some ways in which "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" can be analyzed in a business context:

1. **Consequences of Actions**: The mariner's actions, including shooting the albatross, lead to dire consequences for his crew and himself. In business, the consequences of decisions and actions can have a significant impact on individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole. It underscores the importance of carefully considering the outcomes of one's choices.

2. **Leadership and Responsibility**: The mariner takes on a leadership role when he is the sole survivor of the ship. This reflects the leadership responsibilities and burdens that individuals in positions of authority may face in business. Effective leaders must take responsibility for their decisions and their consequences.

3. **Isolation and Alienation**: The mariner's isolation and alienation after his actions have consequences can be likened to the isolation that individuals in the business world may experience when they make unpopular decisions. It highlights the need for leaders to manage the effects of their choices on their relationships with others.

4. **Redemption and Second Chances**: The mariner's journey is one of redemption and seeking forgiveness. In business, individuals and organizations may need to seek redemption and second chances after making mistakes. The poem illustrates the potential for growth and transformation after facing the consequences of one's actions.

5. **Communication and Storytelling**: The mariner's compulsion to tell his story and share his experiences can be compared to the importance of effective communication in business. Storytelling can be a powerful tool for conveying important messages, lessons, and experiences.

6. **Environmental Responsibility**: The mariner's connection to nature and the consequences of harming the natural world can be seen as a metaphor for the modern business world's increasing focus on environmental responsibility. Businesses must consider their impact on the environment and the potential consequences of their actions.

7. **Superstition and Belief**: The crew's belief in superstitions, such as the significance of the albatross, can be compared to the influence of beliefs and traditions in business practices. Organizations may have their own customs, beliefs, and superstitions that impact decision-making and actions.

8. **Trust and Betrayal**: The mariner's betrayal of the trust of his crew when he kills the albatross reflects the significance of trust in business relationships. Betrayal of trust can have serious repercussions, and trust is a vital component of successful business interactions.

While "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is a work of literature with a supernatural and allegorical narrative, its themes can be metaphorically applied to various aspects of the business world. It encourages reflection on ethical decision-making, leadership, responsibility, and the consequences of actions, which are all relevant considerations in the business context.

Christabel analysis in business context

 Christabel analysis in business context

"Christabel" is a narrative poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and first published in 1816. It is a Gothic, supernatural tale that tells the story of Christabel, a young woman who encounters a mysterious and possibly supernatural visitor named Geraldine in the woods. The poem primarily deals with themes of the supernatural, the power of evil, and the theme of female innocence.

While "Christabel" is a work of poetry with a strong focus on the supernatural and gothic elements, certain aspects of the poem can be analyzed in a business context. Here are a few ways "Christabel" can be interpreted within the context of business and leadership:

1. **Trust and Decision-Making**: The character of Christabel grapples with trust and decision-making. In business, trust is a critical factor in relationships between colleagues, partners, and clients. Leaders often face decisions involving trust, and the consequences of those decisions can have a significant impact on the business.

2. **Ambiguity and Deception**: The poem contains elements of ambiguity and deception, with Geraldine's character being shrouded in mystery. In the business world, there can be instances of deception and hidden motives. Business leaders need to be vigilant and discerning when dealing with ambiguity and the potential for deception.

3. **Leadership and Responsibility**: Christabel's character exemplifies innocence and vulnerability. In business, leaders often bear the responsibility of protecting the interests and well-being of their team members and the organization as a whole. The poem's themes can be interpreted as a reminder of the importance of ethical leadership.

4. **Power Dynamics**: The poem explores power dynamics, particularly the power of evil. In business, understanding power dynamics and recognizing the potential for power imbalances is crucial. Leaders must use their power responsibly and ethically.

5. **Unforeseen Challenges**: Christabel's encounter with Geraldine represents an unforeseen challenge. In business, unforeseen challenges and disruptions can arise, and leaders must be adaptable and prepared to handle such situations.

6. **Moral Choices**: The poem touches on moral choices and consequences. In the business world, leaders often face moral dilemmas, and their choices can have significant ethical and financial consequences.

7. **Ethical Decision-Making**: The poem's themes can serve as a reminder of the importance of ethical decision-making in business. Ethical considerations are paramount in building and maintaining a company's reputation and relationships with stakeholders.

While "Christabel" may not be a direct source of business lessons, its themes of trust, leadership, ethics, and the consequences of decisions can be applied metaphorically to the challenges and complexities of the business world. It encourages reflection on how individuals and leaders navigate the moral and ethical aspects of their roles.

Pride and Prejudice analysis in business context

Pride and Prejudice analysis in business context

By- Razib Ahmed sir and Partho Pratim Mazumder 

"Pride and Prejudice," written by Jane Austen and first published in 1813, is a classic novel set in the early 19th century English society. While primarily a work of literature, its themes and characters can be analyzed and applied to various contexts, including the business world. Here are some ways in which "Pride and Prejudice" can be analyzed in a business context:

1. **Social Class and Business Opportunities**: In the novel, social class plays a significant role in determining one's prospects for marriage and social standing. In the business world, one's social background can also affect opportunities and access to resources. This can be seen in how individuals from different backgrounds are often judged and evaluated in the corporate world.

2. **Financial Prudence**: The characters in "Pride and Prejudice" frequently consider financial stability when making marriage decisions. In the business context, financial prudence and stability are essential for individuals and companies. Making sound financial decisions is critical for long-term success.

3. **Marriage as a Strategic Alliance**: Many characters in the novel view marriage as a strategic alliance to improve their social and financial standing. In business, strategic alliances, partnerships, and mergers are common practices aimed at achieving mutual benefits and growth.

4. **Prejudice and Bias**: The title of the novel itself highlights the themes of pride and prejudice. In business, prejudice and bias can hinder growth and collaboration. Recognizing and overcoming personal and systemic biases is essential for fostering diversity and inclusion.

5. **Communication and Misunderstandings**: Much of the novel's plot revolves around miscommunications and misunderstandings between characters. Effective communication is critical in the business world. Misunderstandings can lead to errors, conflicts, and missed opportunities.

6. **Reputation Management**: Characters in the novel are acutely aware of their reputations and how they are perceived by society. In business, reputation management is crucial. Companies and individuals must carefully manage their public image to build trust and credibility.

7. **Women in Business**: "Pride and Prejudice" is set in a time when opportunities for women were limited, and their prospects were often tied to marriage. In a modern business context, there's an ongoing conversation about gender equality and women's roles in the corporate world. The novel can be analyzed in the context of historical gender roles and contemporary discussions about women in business leadership.

8. **Decision-Making and Rationality**: Characters in the novel sometimes make decisions based on emotions, social pressures, or prejudices rather than rational analysis. In business, decisions should ideally be made based on data, analysis, and a rational assessment of the situation.

While "Pride and Prejudice" is primarily a work of fiction, its themes and characters can be interpreted and applied to various aspects of the business world, offering insights into human behavior, decision-making, and social dynamics.