A Chilly Morning Shakes My Mind - PARTHO PRATIM MAZUMDER

  A Chilly Morning Shakes My Mind 

In this cold morning, I took my steps towards University. But one fact surprised me. I looked around my side on my way. I got into the bus, then took a rickshaw. Then I gushed myself into the cafeteria due to the warm chamber. But, one thing surprised me, I didn't see any beggars or urchins who seek money from me on the road. I didn't notice that before. But today it makes me tense. Actually what's going on the earth? Are they ok in this cold , shivering winter?  Or, are they being iconized as inspiration for developed countries?

Two days ago, a street child asked me for roti. I shared my portion. She smiled and got busy to catch another customer. She had one shabby torned panty. But her figure was out of warm clothes. But, on the opposite, I wore sweater but couldn't relieve from icy breeze. It shivers in my back.

Actually, in this country, anyhow we lose the rhythm of life, then we get helpless. Nobody cares about us. We become obsolete which have no charm. We serve our country and responsibly pay tax on service or purchasing products. But Government lullabies the elite society. They bunk the tax model. They just rule the country and oppress the general citizen. But as an ordinary citizen, we don't have any remuneraTion for being responsible. I'm in this society. 

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