Is ChatGPT the New Teacher? Why We Need to Embrace AI in Education

                Is ChatGPT the New Teacher? Why We Need to Embrace AI in Education

I think it is high time to think about our teaching technique. Today, I found a news article where a Japanese author, Kudan, won a prestigious literary award named Akutagawa Prize for her novel " Tokyo-to Dojo-to” (“Sympathy Tower Tokyo”). But you would feel surprised that she got writing help from ChatGPT. On the contrary, our teachers pressurize us to avoid artificial intelligence like Chat gpt, Bard. But I object to this view point. You can not memorize the whole database or information. We want students to memorize anything and vomit it on the exam script. But by this effort, we can assume that he highlights the information, then he is good, but he has limitations in ideas or thinking power. Our education system doesn't focus on that. We can collect data from the internet, but we have to query on our ideas. Suppose, now , you want to make biryani, then you want a recipe. Thus ,the way the idea can open the mysterious image that would be binded lots of information. Newton could not memorize his home address. That means he failed as a student!! So, I think teachers can help to increase the imagination which can be helpful to students, which drives them innovation. A great innovation comes from imagination. 

So, i would like to suggest , teachers can give one topic that is delivered in the class, so , students may browse on the internet and get relevant answers and can get the whole idea. Wouldn't it be interesting? Only memorizing data can not determine he would be successful. I can mention 3 idiots. Think like a Rancho, not Chatur. In this modern age, we can find the information in one click. So, we should not bother with that. 

By browsing chAt gpt, we can drive into an unknown world which can be more expensive to think about. So, as a teacher, instead of the burden of plagiarism checkers, we should focus on how a student conceives the idea on his presentation or his exam paper. Because, without reading he can not write on exams or do assignments. He has to brainstorm about the topics or clear ideas and has to put his inner thought about the context. So, in this way, I think the whole idea of the topics delivered by the teacher would be clear. In this way, we can build imaginary students who can create a better world which we expect. Some teachers put pressure on students to do homework himself. And they want big result by spending short moment in class. Within this short period , how can students increase their vocabulary, imagination or grammar? It is not possible by a teacher to do that, but i think Teacher has responsibility on doing that. Suppose, a teacher asks to submit a story. Now, someone who is weak in English may have a better idea, but could not highlight his idea on the khata, then another student has good vocabularies, but doesn't know how to curate the idea of imagination. Both sides of students need to improvement. Now, doing assignment ownself, how a student increase their improvement. I don't know, I think , they would remain in their own position without improvement. In this competitive world, everyone is thriving into e-business. so, we should be creative with our unique ideas rather than memorizing data which would be helpful for normal jobs.

Razib Ahmed, Search English founder,  is a great mentor, who teaches me to think beyond our capability. It is possible when we go through life experience. His Search English , e learning model helps to learn english by reading, writing, speaking, thinking. It increases their imagination and helps to build a better future. 

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