চাকুরিতে প্রেজেন্টেশন স্কিলের প্রয়োজনীয়তা- Nusrat Jahan Mitu

Nusrat Jahan Mitu
প্রেজেন্টেশন স্কিল প্র্যাকটিস পোস্টঃ ১৩
টপিকঃ চাকুরিতে প্রেজেন্টেশন স্কিলের প্রয়োজনীয়তা।

At first take my salam Assalamualaikum everybody . I'm Nusrat Jahan Mitu.
Thanks a lot sir for this good topic select and share with us. This is great topic for practicing our presentations skill development .

Now i will tried my best to presented here importance of presentation skill for job sectors.
We are know that's presentation skill development very important in our career. Because when we are present any subject in front of more people’s this time they're hearing our speech attentively. So It's very challenging task in our life.

Maximum time our presentations duration time always fixed.so our speaking speed just need this time firstly. When we are faced fist time presenting this time we are feel more tensed . So tried our best to prepared very clearly in our presentation topic.
This moments our need more practices.Because we are know practice makes a man perfect.

We are know that's a good quality office wanted that's their employees very skilled in any sectors. They're need good at English knowing employees. Because when they're started meeting conference this time many of foreign buyers attend here. So they're don't know Bangla language. So this time need English skill.

And officials buyers grant us emails, this time also need English skill.
We are know maximum Bangladeshi citizens not good at English.
We are don't properly Bangla language used process . Because we are couldn’t read more and more. So our Knowledge skills so poor. That's why we are can't speech confidently in front of others person by our own styles. Because we are couldn’t practices in our life. That's why we are can't writing our own styles in our mother tongue.
We are maximum time copied others person writing, speaking styles.

So when we are practicing started that's time we are achieved lots of improvements. We are achieved confidence. We know confidence very important for presentation time.
So i think you are get this topic benefit.
Thanks everybody.
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